Representatives of the Italian Ministry of Agriculture visiting Leska nursery (Roberto De Salvador, Valter Miceli)Delegation from the University of Perugia (Janko Janković, Mauro Brunetti, prof. Daniela Farinelli, prof. Slobodan Cerović) Corylus colurna just before grafting Grafted hazel seedlings at the time of green pruningLemon balm and grafted hazelnutsHazelnut seedling (Tonda Francescana) three months after grafting Grafted hazel seedlings ready for export to ItalyTonda FrancescanaHazel seedlingsLoacker's delegation - at the plantations in BogosavacProf. Rovers and Alberto Pansecchi visit a plantation in KikindaPlantation of Nikola Dzomba in CrvenkaTetovo plantationHazelnut plantation in the first vegetation (nearTreviso - Italy)Selection Alejas - coil of hazel in second vegetationPlantation Markovic in the fifth vegetation - Koncarevo (Jagodina) Grafted hazel treeMachine planting of hazelnutsDobric plantation Plantation in ToscaniPlantation in ToscaniWalnut coils in sawdust bedNew domestic varieties of walnutsNative trees of the Sava variety in the Leska nurseryNative trees of the Sava variety in the Leska nursery