In order to obtain high-yielding varieties of hazelnuts of exceptional quality, we have paid a lot of attention and knowledge to the production of seedlings and the development of specific technology for grafting hazelnuts. Our nursery produces hazelnut seedlings grafted on a generative base. In order to achieve the best results, we are developing a unique technology for the production of Corylus colurna substrates by the in vitro method. Together with PhD Professor Slobodan Cerović, we have worked on improving the production, isolated clones of Corylus colurna and we were the first in the world to multiply these clones by the in vitro method. This has raised our production to a much higher level.
We obtained the right to multiply clones of standard varieties on the basis of which we formed rootstock cuttings. Clones yield more than the original variety. Clones of the varieties Tonda di Giffoni, Tonda Gentile delle Langhe and Tonda Gentile Romana were inserted. As a confirmation of the work quality, we have also received the exclusive right to reproduce the latest variety of Tonda Francescana hazelnut. All our rootstocks are raised from seedlings obtained from parent plants in vitro, which is a guarantee of healthy plants and varietal purity. Listening to the advice of PhD Professor Cerović, we tried to always be at least one step ahead of others.
Hazelnut seedlings

Tonda Francescana
- This variety was obtained as a result of work on the creation of new varieties originating from the parent pairs Tonda Gentile Romana and Tonda di Giffoni
- The hybridization program was realized at the Dipartimento di scienze agrarie e ambientali (DSAA) at the Università degli Studi in Perugia, headed by Professor Agostino Tombesi. The goal was to combine the exceptional taste of the Tonda Gentile Romana core, which is also known as Roman delicious, and the easy separation of the seed from the core and the high yields of the Tonda di Giffoni variety. Several varieties emerged from this program, of which Tonda Francescana is the most interesting. It is protected by patent rights.
- It enters fertility early.

Tonda di Giffoni
- It is highly resistant to the bacterial blight and is slightly susceptible to mites.
- This variety has a more developed shell than the varieties Tonda Gentile Romana and Tonda Gentile delle Langhe.
- It is mostly grown in the Italian provinces of Salerno and Campania.
- Male flowers bloom early.
- Good pollinators for this variety are: Nocchione, Tanda di Bianca, Barcelona and others.

Tonda Gentile Romana
- Fertile variety.
- It is grown a lot in the Italian region of Lazio.
- It has a small shell from which the hazelnut easily falls out.
- Both male and female flowers bloom almost simultaneously (homogeneous).
- It is a good pollinator for most varieties, and it is well pollinated by Nocchione, Daviana, Cosford and others.
- Fruits are medium (about 2.7 g).
- It often bears fruit in clusters.

Tonda Gentile delle Langhe
- Male flowers bloom early.
- Male flowers bloom more than one month before female flowers, so their blooming never concures.
- In our country, it gives birth poorly.
- Good pollinators for this variety are: Cosford, Hall’s Giant and others. Due to its early blooming (male flowers), it is a bad pollinator for other varieties.
- It ripens early, in August here in Serbia.
- The fruits are small (2.3 g on average), beautiful.

- This fertile variety is widely grown in Italy, mostly in Sicily and is often a pollinator for the Tonda Romana variety in the Lazio region.
- The fruit sheath is small.
- It is a good pollinator for many varieties.
- It is well pollinated by: Tonda Bianca, Mortarella, Daviana, Cosford and others.
- Fruits are very beautiful, medium-sized (2.7 g). There are 3.4 of them in the group on average.
- It ripens medium early.

- Ennis is a variety of moderately developed skin from which the fruits easily fall out.
- It is a spontaneous hazel seedling, found around 1940 in Washington.
- Due to its very large fruits and high percentage of germination, it belongs to the highly fertile varieties.
- It blooms late. Catkins, as well as female flowers, usually bloom in March.
- Good pollinators are: red-leaved Nocchione Lambert, Purpurea maxima, Contorta, Hall’s Giant and others.
What do you need to know about growing hazelnuts?
- Proper selection of varieties is of great importance for plant success.
- The choice of a pollinator is very important.
- Quality soil preparation for raising hazelnut plantations is the basis for achieving high and regular yields of good fruit quality.
- The longevity of the plant also depends on the quality of soil preparation.
- Leveling the terrain is applied if there are microdepressions on the plot in order to avoid the accumulation of moisture - staining.
- Soil reparation means creating soil properties that will enable the trees to develop optimally and give high yields regularly.
- If the impermeable (difficult to pass) layer of soil is at a shallow depth, it must be loosened with underminers.
- The soil should contain optimal quantities of easily digestible macro and micro elements.
- Manure, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are spread after leveling the terrain.
- Before raising the orchards, the soil should be deeply tilled so that the nutrients added by fertilization are evenly introduced into the entire layer in which most of the root system of the orchards should develop.
- In the year of planting, field crops that ripen early should be grown on the land planned for raising orchard.
- It is extremely important that the preparation of the land for planting trees is done in a timely manner.

The production of the highest quality varieties of hazelnuts by combining science and tradition through a unique planting technology that will enable our clients and partners a fruitful future of plantations and businesses is our mission. Prepare for successful production - contact us to analyze your possibilities together, select the best seedlings and prepare the soil and technology that will bring you high yields and a promising future.
Plantations of future generations begin with the selection of quality hazelnut and walnut seedlings, which are a prerequisite for good yields. “Leska” team of experts and engineers is at your disposal for all information about hazelnut and walnut seedlings, conditions of sale, as well as for advice on raising orchards and growing this precious fruit.